Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shame On Me.

What the heck? I blog a few times and then I just give up?? What's up with that? My last blog was in February, and now it is June! A hiatus after a few entries? Not cool.  I don't know what happened exactly and why I stopped blogging, but I want to get back into it!  I keep reading blogs, and I keep coming up with ideas on what to write about, so I just need to sit down, take action, and start blogging again!  Who starts a blog, writes a few entries, then gives up?  I guess me.

A lot of things have happened since February. The biggest is that I moved! After being away at college for four years, moving back home was just not the same. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my family, but I wanted to be on my own as well. I moved in with two of my good friends, and a new monster cat named TimTim, and I could not be happier!  I live so much closer to work, which was another factor into my decision to move. My commute used to be a nightmare but now it's a piece of cake! And, my roadrage has slightly decreased.

So to the dear people that have been following and asking me about my blog, I assure you I'm coming back.  I'm currently creating a list of the things I want to talk about and what I want to do with this blog, so stay tuned!!!



  1. It's a shame you seem to have stopped blogging! But I know what you mean. I feel like that a lot recently, especially after I moved. I hope you come back soon!

  2. Nice!
    i follow you on bloglovin,
    follow me back? xx
